The Readiness is All

10/30/2023 01:00 PM - 11/27/2023 02:15 PM ET


Chrysalis Group Series Two 
Biography Work with The Hummingbird Principle

At every moment we stand at the uncomfortable threshold of unknowing, and many times we may exaggerate our knowing to reduce this discomfort. But what potential can be found at this threshold? In this workshop we embrace the idea of working with the unknown. We will work with the concept of the future, connect with the yet-unknown themes that are waiting for us there, and explore the qualities that help us to welcome what comes. Bring your past, be present, and we will see what happens!

What: A Fall Chrysalis Group, four 75-min-long weekly sessions of deepening together 

When: October 30, November 6, 13, 27
Mondays at 1 pm ET/10 am PT for 75 min via Zoom.
Not able to attend?  This program will be recorded and distributed to all registrants.

Contribution: You can register and pay for this Chrysalis Group as a stand alone course. However, if you would like to do more than one course, save money by registering for the Chrysalis Group Series Two, a bundle of six courses! 

Learn more and register for Series Two Chrysalis Groups here.
Stay updated on all fall offerings here.

Course Costs:
Suggested: $60
Supporter: $80
Youth and Equity: $45

Not able to attend? 
This program will be recorded and distributed to all registrants.

Chrysalis Group Series Two Bundle Costs: $250 
Learn more and register for Series Two Chrysalis Groups here.

Stay updated on all fall offerings here.

Meet Your Presenter

The Hummingbird Principle: Chris Burke and Anne de Wild
Chris Burke
 is an associate professor of psychology at Lehigh University, where his research has focused on social relationships, grief, and coping with stress. He has been actively working with anthroposophy since 2012 and is certified as a Biography and Social Art facilitator. He sees biography work as a natural bridge between anthroposophy and psychology, with biography work offering a unique window into the archetype of the human being via the unique path of each individual. He has brought a biographical approach to his classes and other on-campus programs, and he has led and co-led biography and social art workshops both in the United States and internationally. He and Anne de Wild have developed a new project called The Hummingbird Principle, which is aimed at connecting individuals to the role that is theirs to play in facing the challenges of the modern world. He serves on the board of the Center for Biography and Social Art and lives in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, with his wife and three children. 

Anne de Wild is a Naturopath whose work is based on Traditional European Natural Medicine (TEN) and kinesiology. After studying Anthroposophy at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, in 2015-16, she completed her thesis on the concept of the Five Temperaments and has been bringing her ideas out into the world since then. She began studying biography and social art in 2016. She brings biography work into her clinical practice, and she finds that it supports her clients’ personal development and encourages them to enter more confidently into their social relationships. She sees biography and social art as a step toward inner and outer peace. She lives and works in Basel, Switzerland, where she offers monthly lectures on biography and social art. A lover of travel, she can often be found in other parts of Europe and in North America speaking, teaching, and connecting. She has four grown-up children.

Other Chrysalis Groups
Learn more and register for all Chrysalis Groups HERE.

In Memoriam with Jolie Hanna Luba
Sundays, 3pm ET/12 pm PT for 75 min 
Oct 29, Nov 5, 12 and 26
Learn more & register here

From Transformation to Metamorphosis with The Nature Institute
Mondays at 4 pm ET/ 1 pm PT for 75 min
October 30, November 6, 13, 27
Learn more & register here

AstroGaiaSophia with Brian Gray
Mondays at 6 pm ET/3 pm PT for 75 min 
October 30, November 6, 13, 27
Learn more & register here

Wisdom Working with Jordan Walker
Thursdays at 10 am ET/7 am PT for 75 min
November 9, 16, 30, and December 7
Learn more & register here

Facing Contradictions with Cory Eichman
Thursdays at 1 pm ET/10 am PT for 75 min
November 9, 16, 30, and December 7
Learn more & register here

Stay updated on all fall offerings here.

Neon CRM by Neon One