Legacy giving offers the opportunity to make a gift which brings expression to your intention and love for anthroposophy into the future through a bequest or other form of estate gift.
Throughout the history of the Society, many thoughtful and caring members have provided legacy gifts for the Anthroposophical Society through their estate planning. Since 1992, we have received legacy gifts from more than 20 dear friends, whose resources support our shared goal of bringing Rudolf Steiner’s work more fully into the world. We are humbled and deeply grateful for these generous gifts. In their honor, we have created our Legacy Circle. This group is composed of those who have shared with us their intention to make a bequest or other planned gift to the Anthroposophical Society as well as the many generous legacy donors of the past. Legacy giving is a far-reaching and meaningful way to support the work of the Society far beyond a person’s current giving capacity. And the magic of this Circle is that it can only continue to grow, no matter which side of the threshold you are on. It is the ultimate multi-generational conversation. Thank you to these current and past members of our Legacy Circle, for their intention, love, and will.
We are strengthened and blessed by the efforts of all people who strive to bring beauty and meaning to the world, inspired by the work of Rudolf Steiner. We share a sense of hope and direction toward inner knowledge, informed action, and a peaceful future. And we are connected with those across the threshold who share our intentions and our love. If you have questions or would like to learn more about estate giving and becoming a part of the Society's Legacy Circle, please contact John Bloom, General Secretary, at john.bloom@anthroposophy.org. We will be glad to send you further information by mail and set up a phone conversation if you wish. Thank you for your consideration. (image by Javier Allegue Barros) The Anthroposophical Society in America supports and furthers the sharing and cultivation of contemplative and meditative research into spiritual facets of the human being and the world and their practical and social applications. It is an open membership organization that fosters self-development and inspired social engagement.