Refined Breathing and the Counterbalances Needed for Our Technological Age

01/31/2022 07:30 PM - 02/01/2022 09:00 PM ET


Refined Breathing and the Counterbalances Needed for Our Technological Age 

Being Present and Healthy in our Cultural Age 

with Andrew Linnell

WHAT: Online Webinar with Andrew Linnell "Refined Breathing and the Counterbalances Needed for Our Technological Age" 


WHEN: Monday, January 31 at 4:30 pm Pacific / 7:30 pm Eastern for 75 minutes 


WHERE: Online through Zoom. This program will be recorded and shared with all registered. 


COST: $15 Suggested (Equity Rate and Supporter Levels available)
This program is open to all members and friends of the ASA 
DESCRIPTION: Steiner’s last letter to members (GA 26, The Michael Mystery) spoke about how technology based on an incorrect concept of electricity has the ability to pull individuals into sub-nature. While this must happen, we must find counterbalances that pull us equally into super-nature. This presentation will survey some and then focus on one in particular, namely the New Yoga Steiner called “refined breathing”. This may have been his greatest, unfinished gift.
- How might living thinking be connected with refined breathing? 

- Ancient yoga brought breathing under control - how can this new yoga bring breathing of Light under control?


 Andrew Linnell is the author of several books on art history, religious history, and the future of technology including a series of guidebooks for MysTech study groups. A graduate of the University of Michigan (MSE '73), his professional career was in the computer industry where he was a CTO and VP. His studies included Emerson College, Sussex, England. He is a member of the Anthroposophical Society since 1979 and past president of the Boston Branch. He is co-founder of MysTech and

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