At the Threshold: The Story of a Community Vigil

11/01/2023 07:00 PM - 11/02/2023 08:30 PM ET


An All Soul's Gathering - Free and Open to All 

"I am so grateful for the space that was created. Food, candles, gentle quiet, music, warm hugs, crying together. With the sudden nature of these deaths, the vigil gave me the space and time to say good-bye to my dear friends.I spent hours next to the wooden coffins in the middle of the living room. I was made to feel that this was normal and okay, that grieving and death can be part of community life."

Join us for a special gathering in which we will celebrate and bear witness the transformative power of community in the face of unimaginable pain and tragedy. Through art and theater, hear Linda Bergh, and Marianne & Dennis Dietzel retell the story of their daughters' deaths and the unexpected ways in which community carried them through this moment in life. 

This reader’s theater was originally performed at the Sacred Gateway Conference hosted by the ASA in Harlemville, NY 2019. 


What: A 90-minute artistic retelling of a community's experience of the threshold between life and death.

When: All Soul's Gathering November 1
Wednesday at 4pm PT/ 7pm ET via Zoom
This is the culminating event of our four part- speaker series on threshold work running Wednesdays, throughout October.
Learn more & register at here!Not able to attend? 
This program will be recorded and distributed to all registrants. 

This event is FREE~ we hope to see you there!


May love of hearts reach out to love of souls
May warmth of love ray out to spirit light

Even so would we draw near to you
Thinking with you thoughts of spirit
Feeling in you the love of worlds
Consciously at one with you 
           Willing in silent being              
-Rudolf Steiner

Stay tuned for more information about all other fall events

Meet Your Presenters

Marianne and Dennis Dietzel and Linda Bergh have been linked since the 80’s through Waldorf education and anthroposophy, the Dietzel and Bergh families were friends when Paul, Linda’s husband died suddenly in 1995. She chose to hold a vigil, a first in the Twin Cities Waldorf/Anthroposophical community, with Marianne and Dennis playing an integral part. This began what has been a conscious journey to hold sacred space at the threshold of death, deepened through the loss of their daughters, Nina and Kirsten in a car accident in Harlemville, NY  in 1996. The vigil in Harlemville for the girls was followed by the creation of a reading for the dead group in the Twin Cities. In 2005 Linda’s second husband Jack Heckelman, died consciously and a vigil was held for a much wider community. Linda and Marianne were key in creating the Minnesota Threshold Network in 2008, and led trainings in the midwest. A decade later, having supported many local vigils, they created this reader’s theater for the Sacred Gateway Conference held in Harlemville in 2018. The work of connecting to the dead continues to be central to all of their lives.



Poster artwork by Nikolaos Gyzis

Neon CRM by Neon One