Whitsun with Lisa Romero
Preparing for the Future: The Healing Spirit of Whitsun
With Lisa Romero
Friday, May 27 at 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern
At Whitsun we celebrate that humanity is blessed with a surge of cosmic support that enhances our inner capacity to hold fast with the divine spiritual world -- even in times of great uncertainty.The world is rapidly changing and these changes will affect everyone, and how we meet these changes will depend on our ability to maintain an alignment with the guiding spiritual forces within.
Having experienced an inner shift through the cosmic Easter festival, we are now quickened with forces to help others, so that together we may take a step towards our collective spiritual destiny.
WHAT: Preparing for the Future: The Healing Spirit of Whitsun with Lisa Romero
WHEN: Friday, May 27 at 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern
Other Timezones: 9pm Greenwich Mean Time/ 10pm Central Europe Time - Click here to convert to your time zone.
WHERE: This program will be online through Zoom. This live event will be recorded and distributed to all registered participants.
CONTRIBUTION: FREE! Donations between $5-$40 are gratefully accepted.

Inner Work Books has published The Inner Work Path focusing on meditation practice, Developing the Self written after many years of working with Waldorf teachers to support their inner work and pedagogical understanding of child development, Living Inner Development offers an understanding of the inner experiences and results of various inner development exercises, Sex Education and The Spirit to help awaken an understanding of our communal responsibility for the healthy development of gender and sexuality within society, Spirit-led Community which introduces spiritually healthy guidelines for lessening the negative influence of technology on the inner life, and A Bridge to Spirit – Understanding conscious self-development and consciousness-altering substances.
In May 2020, EduCareDo launched a new year-long subject course written by Lisa – Inner Development for World Development.
Lisa’s capacity to deliver esoteric wisdom with insight and understanding allows her to meet the diverse needs of a range of communities and professions. Essentially, her work springs from the inner work, meditation, and exercises, together with a dedication to the path of unfolding consciousness.
More information about Lisa's work can be found at https://www.innerworkpath.
The next course being offered by Lisa is Preparing for Saint John's which is being sponsored by EduCareDo and can be found here: https://www.educaredo.
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