2022 Annual Conference & AGM in Washington D.C.
Registration is closed but if you wish to attend in Washington D.C. please email programs@anthroposophy.org to attend last minute. Click here to register for the online version only.
Join us in person this year for the annual member's conference in our nation’s capital!
This is a dynamic moment in time...let's strengthen and enkindle connections within our community and beyond. Last year's annual conference theme was Building the Temple of the Heart- now we can imagine entering this temple to connect with other striving souls. As we approach the 100-year anniversary of the burning of the first Goetheanum, we acknowledge the power of renewal in the fire and what can be enkindled...
Our conference will begin with a series of online presentations beginning on Michelmas (September 29, 2022). We will start with our foundations in Dornach, Switzerland, with a tour of the model of the first Goetheanum followed by leading thoughts from Rev. Daniel Hafner.
From there, we will move throughout the Eastern Region with online presentations weaving from North to South. As we build this field of consciousness together we will culminate our conference with an in-person gathering in the District of Columbia.
Together we'll engage with inspiring presentations, art, singing, speech, and biography work. We will also experience a special performance of the Foundation Stone Meditation by the Eurythmy Spring Valley Ensemble. Our coming together can be a healing gesture as we look forward with optimism to the next 100 years of anthroposophy.
Enkindling Connections: And the Heart Rose
For the In-Person Conference (with online presentations included):
- ASA Member: $175
- Regular: $185
- Supporter: $225
- Youth and Equity: $100
Click here for the Livestream Conference ONLY
Click here for AGM Only (Annual General Meeting) This 90-minute business meeting is hosted by the General Council of the ASA. This is free to all members and included in all registration levels (Only register for this AGM (Business Meeting) if you do not plan to attend any other Annual Conference event).
Online Beginning Thursday, September 29
In Person October 8-10, 2022 in Washington D.C.
- Saturday, October 8, Convene at the MLK Memorial and process to the Lincoln Memorial
- Sunday, October 9 is at The Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel in Arlington, VA (just outside of Washington, D.C).
- Monday, October 10 Meet at The National Gallery and the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception for fun activities!
ACCOMMODATIONS: The Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel in Arlington, VA
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS subject to minor changes
Enkindling in the East- ONLINE*:
*Click here to register for the Livestream Only Conference if you cannot join us in Washington D.C.
September 29 (90 min)
Presentation from Daniel Hafner and a tour of the model of the first Goetheanum
October 2 (60 min)
Presentations from House of Peace in Ipswich, MA, and The Sophia Group in Northeast Florida
October 4 (60 min)
Presentations from the South East: "George Washington Carver to Washington D.C." and friends from Maine
October 7 at 7pm Eastern/ 4pm Pacific on Zoom (90 min)
Business meeting for members of the ASA hosted by the ASA General Council. This meeting is free and open to all members of the ASA. Click here to register for the AGM business meeting ONLY.
And the Heart Rose- IN PERSON*
*Click here to register for the Livestream Only Conference if you cannot join in Washington D.C.
Schedule in Eastern Time
Saturday, October 8
3:00 - 6:00 pm Opening Ceremony at MLK and Lincoln Memorial
with Lila and David Tresemer, Maria Ver Eecke, Jordan Walker, Tess Parker and more!
Meet fellow participants at the MLK Memorial.
Travel there via public transportation, cab, car, etc.
Sunday, October 9
At the Sheraton Pentagon in Arlington, VA
9:00- 10:00 am Opening with Tess Parker, Angela Foster, Gino Ver Eecke,
Christine Burke, and Nathaniel Williams
10:00-11:00 am Sacrificial Fire, Entering the Heart's Temple from Rev. Emma Heirman
11:00- 11:30 am Break
11:30-12:00 pm The Flame of Connection Art Session
with Angela Foster & Jordan Walker
12:00-1:00 pm We Are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For - Constellation of Voices
Stefan Ambrose - Yonas Ketsela - Frank Agrama - Barbara Bittles - Eileen King - John Bloom
Sharon Kaplan - Dorothea Mier - Cathy Green - John Scott Legg - Ethan Sudan - Nathaniel Williams
1:00-2:30 pm Lunch - Included in Conference ticket
2:30 - 3:00 pm Eurythmy with Sea-Anna Vasilas
3:00- 3:45 pm Anthroposophy and the World: An Invitation to Deeper Partnership
with Dan McKanan
3:45-4:15 pm Break
4:15- 5:30 pm A Dodecahedron through Time and Space
with Tess Parker, Angela Foster & Jordan Walker
5:30-8:00 pm Dinner (On your own: Options at the hotel restaurant
or take the free hotel shuttle to a nearby food hub)
8:00-9:30 pm The Foundation Stone Meditation - A Eurythmy Performance
with the Eurythmy Spring Valley Ensemble.
Monday, October 10
10 am-1:00 pm “Paintings as Portals” with David Tresemer
at the National Gallery of Art
Click here for a brief video description of this offering!
Use the capacities of your four bodies to enter the portals of art –
to meet the creator and creativity itself
2:30 pm "An Intro to Evolution of Human Consciousness
as Discovered Through the Spectrum of Art"
Guided Tour of The National Gallery of Art
with Lark Bergwin-Anderson
3:00- 4:30 pm "Meditations on the Madonna”
at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
with the Beholding Sophia Group
Presenters: Check back for updates soon!

Rev. Emma Heirman grew up in Silver Spring, MD and was shaped by 12 years at the Washington Waldorf School, while also holding dear memories in front of the altar of The Christian Community. As a child and then young adult, she found comfort and strength for her sorrows and joys at the threshold, at the place where the heart can meet the world of spirit.
- her twenties, search for work led her back to the altar. After studying at the Seminary of The Christian Community in North America and in Stuttgart, Germany, Emma was ordained in February 2016. She served her first congregation in Denver, Colorado from 2016-2020. She now serves The Christian Community in the Greater Washington- Baltimore Area alongside her husband, Rev. Matthias Giles.

Sea-Anna Vasilas has been teaching eurythmy internationally since 2011, after graduating from the four-year eurythmy training at Eurythmy Spring Valley in Spring Valley, New York. She first encountered eurythmy through her work with biodynamic agriculture and has continually been inspired by the living relationship between biodynamics and eurythmy. Sea-Anna earned her M.A. in performance eurythmy from Alanus University, and is currently a member of the Eurythmy Spring Valley faculty and ensemble.

Eurythmy Spring Valley is a vibrant center for learning and performance, serving all levels of interest in eurythmy. Located 30 miles from New York City, ESV is part of the Threefold community of initiatives guided by the work of Rudolf Steiner.
Founded in 1972 as a pioneering American eurythmy training, our School of Eurythmy supports the continued growth and development of the art of eurythmy with two full-time trainings, a low-residence part-time training, and one-day and weekend workshops for audiences ranging from the interested public to eurythmy professionals.The Eurythmy Spring Valley Ensemble, in residence at Eurythmy Spring Valley since 1986, is one of the world’s most active eurythmy touring groups, bringing full evening programs, children’s programs, and special performance projects to schools, communities, and conferences all over North America, Europe, and Asia.

Jordan Walker has been studying the cultural landscape since his childhood, moving throughout the U.S. and spending a year a year in China with his family. He self-designed his undergraduate degree and received a dual Masters of Education (MS. Ed.) through the NYC Teaching Fellows while teaching children with Autism in a Brooklyn public school.
In 2005 Jordan attended the full-time Foundation Year program at Sunbridge College in Spring Valley. He studied and worked in the Threefold Community for 5 years, organizing many conferences and education initiatives and launching a social sculpture experiment entitled the new forms project. In 2011 he received a research grant at the Goetheanum to study new forms of adult education. In 2017 he designed “Wisdom Working”, a directory for the many anthroposophical initiatives in the Hudson River Watershed. He currently lives in Philmont, NY with his two young children.
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