Rediscovering the Sacred Feminine in Washington D.C.
08/23/2022 07:00 PM - 08/24/2022 09:00 PM ET

The Goddess Columbia (by Bubert) on top of the Smithsonian in the National Mall. Pictured with ’Science and Industry.'
Rediscovering the Sacred Feminine in Washington D.C.
By Lila Tresemer with David Tresemer, Ph.D., StarHouse, Boulder
August 23, 2022 at 7 pm Eastern (or 4pm Pacific)
Online through Zoom ~ Note: this 75-minute program will be recorded and distributed to all registered.
Contribution: $22*
*Option to contribute $15 or $30 depending on your financial situation
Many people are surprised to learn that there exists a "Goddess of America" - and that there is more than one! Why does it matter? When we turn our attention towards the being(s) of this country- how can we increase our awareness and spiritual vision, and also find Sophia in a meaningful way?
Jacob Needleman beautifully wrote about the need to rediscover the deeper, mythic meaning of our heroes [and heroines] of the nation. He concludes that we need to remythologize the idea of America. One access point to remythologize America is through discovering relevant archetypes, geometry, and Star Wisdom. Then we can find a way to connect with these principles through the perspective of ceremonial conversation.
Profound patterns exist in the layouts, history, geometry, and star connections of the National Mall. In these patterns, we can reflect on the art and spiritual science behind these templates, which are clearly allied with the natural and the unseen world. These observations can be incorporated into a vibrant meditation and reflection on sacred activism. Significant change, both within oneself and within society, requires groundwork to align with these templates and patterns to make space for higher frequencies and healing.
In this webinar, we will explore all of these relationships and present a simple meditative pattern to work with together in preparation for the ASA Annual Conference taking place in Washington DC: Enkindling Connections: And the Heart Rose. Registration for this in-person & online hybrid conference opens mid-August (stay tuned!) Livestream options for this conference will be available.
Join us for this living exploration of Washington, D.C.’s National Mall... with the intent to become more aware and engaged in developing a spiritual vision for America.
Lila Sophia Tresemer is Board President and CoFounder of The StarHouse in Boulder, with David, her life partner of 30 years. Lila is a group facilitator, certified mediator, author, ceremonialist, and minister. She co-created a ground-breaking program called Women of Vision in Israel/Palestine between 2004-2012 and now leads tours to Washington, D.C., to engage with the archetypes of the Feminine. She produces sacred living and remembrance programs online and onsite at the StarHouse ( Lila is dedicated to building a global community, honoring the Feminine in Sacred Union, and balancing with the Masculine. Her current passion is weaving a living network for the Lineage of Sophia for men and women around the world who are seeking to reconnect with Sacred Earth Activism and spiritual practices that matter -- to transform in these astonishing times.
Lila’s work includes: “Don’t Go Back to Sleep” (a spiritual adventure novel); “The Conscious Wedding Handbook” (with David); “Sophia Gnostic Creation Story.” (An animated Creation Myth available to see at:( sophia-lineage); “The Goddess of America: Sacred Activism for our Nation” (online course).
She and David write and teach together on several topics: The 12 Senses; Sacred Sites as Consciousness Tools (both from TheStarHouse). They have written and produced 3 theatrical productions together.
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