Fall Chrysalis Groups ~ Series 1
Join a Chrysalis Group ... and go deeper on a topic that matters to you!
Series One, Sept 18- Oct 20 via Zoom
A Chrysalis Group is a place for focused learning, growth and connection- a place to shed old ways of thinking and adopt enlivened thoughts and spirit-filled questions. This fall, we are pleased to offer seven different Chrysalis groups in our first series, ranging on topics from creating sanctuary, women in anthroposophy, the mystery of the encounter, connecting with the angelic realm, how to meet the age of technology... and more!
Each Chrysalis group meets five weeks in a row and is guided by one or two lead learners who invite people to come together around a focused theme for study, conversation and artistic activities. This format allows us to integrate content from the presentations, expand our understanding of ourselves, and work through the bigger questions in life.
See below for all Chrysalis Group offerings for Series One! If you register for the whole series you will be able to choose as many groups as your schedule and interest allows! If you do not want to sign up for the whole package, you also have the option to sign up for a singular Chrysalis Group that piques your interest- a la carte! Just scroll down and click on a group below to register for that course directly.
What: Fall Chrysalis Groups Series One. Choose from seven different groups, all meeting over the course of five weekly sessions.
Updated information about all fall offerings, including Series Two can be found HERE.
When: Each group meets once a week for 60 minutes via Zoom.
See dates and times for each individual group listed below!
The meetings are recorded and made available each week, so even if you cannot attend live, you can still participate in the work. However, we strongly encourage live attendance and to sign up for only those you can commit to a majority of the sessions.
Chrysalis Groups Series One: $250
This contribution amount grants you access to as many of the seven courses as your schedule and interest allows.
Single Chrysalis Group: $60*
Series One Groups are listed below- Click "Learn More Here" on each group to register for that course individually!
* With options to contribute more or less depending on your situation
And now the caterpillar, which has become a chrysalis, has woven around itself, out of its own substance, the rays of the Sun, which it has incorporated in itself.
~Rudolf Steiner, Man as Symphony of the Creative World
Series One Chrysalis Groups
Course Descriptions and Schedules

Dare to Ask: Biography Work
Mondays at 1pm ET/10 am PT
with the Hummingbird Principle
September 18, 25, October 2, 9, 16
In the modern world, it is easy to get bogged down in trivialities, and many of the encounters we have with others operate according to well-rehearsed scripts. However, sometimes we can feel within ourselves a deep yearning for something more. In this series, we will use biography and social art exercises to practice different ways of stepping into encounter and observing what can become.
Learn more & register here
Goddesses in America
Mondays at 7pm ET/ 4pm PT
with Lila Tresemer
September 18, 25, October 2, 16, 23
In this group we will learn how to actively engage in communication with significant feminine Archetypes throughout the National Mall in D.C, bring personal allies and spiritual awareness into the conversation with the unseen guiding forces of America, and create altars of the four directions to resonate with the National Mall.
Learn more & register here
Creating Sanctuary: Inner and Outer
Tuesdays at 10:30am ET/7:30 am PT
with Alex Tuchman and Ines Kinchen of Spikenard Farm Honeybee Sanctuary
and Carrie Schuchardt of The House of Peace
September 19, 26 and October 3, 10, 17
Sanctuaries are places of protection and refuge, sacred and safe places for life to heal and create anew. Join with these sanctuary-builders for a 5-week exploration of how you can create your own sanctuary spaces. Discussions will include the practical perspectives and experience of developing both the inner sanctuary in yourself and an outer sanctuary in the world.
Learn more & register here
Applied Anthroposophy: Women in the Movement
Tuesdays at 1pm ET/10 am PT
with Various Speakers
September 19, 26 and October 3, 10, 17
In this course we will introduce the biographies and contributions of four anthroposophical female leaders: Marie Steiner, Ita Wegman, Hilma af Klint and Marjorie Spock. We will discuss their unique methods of applying anthroposophy and consider how their lives might inspire us as individuals in our work today.
Learn more & register here
Etheric Health in the Age of Technology
Wednesdays at 10:30 am ET/7:30 am PT
with Cynthia Hoven and Andrew Linnell
September 20, 27 and October 4, 11, 18
In this engaging 5-week program, Cynthia and Andrew will lead us through eurythmy, lectures, and conversation into a deeper understanding of the rightful place of sub-nature in our age and how to cultivate a personal eurythmy practice as a super-sensible etheric counterbalance to the immobilizing effects of technology.
Learn more & register here
Experiencing Autumn by Drawing and Painting
Thursdays at 11am ET / 8 am PT
with Laura Summer
September 21, 28 and October 5, 12, 19
In this course we will work with gestures in the world of plants. We will use many media including ink, watercolor, pastel, pencil and crayon.
Learn more & register here
Connecting with your Angel
Thursdays at 7pm ET/ 4 pm PT
with Verlyn McGilvray
September 21, 28 and October 5, 12, 19
We each have been given a wonderful gift in the love of our guiding angel. The more connected we are to this amazing being the more our angel can help us to achieve our soul purpose. In this group we will gather to explore a variety of suggestions, meditative techniques, and background information to help us claim the treasure of this light in our lives.
Learn more & register here
Meet Your Presenters
The Hummingbird Principle: Chris Burke and Anne de Wild
Chris Burke is an associate professor of psychology at Lehigh University, where his research has focused on social relationships, grief, and coping with stress. He has been actively working with anthroposophy since 2012 and is certified as a Biography and Social Art facilitator. He sees biography work as a natural bridge between anthroposophy and psychology, with biography work offering a unique window into the archetype of the human being via the unique path of each individual. He has brought a biographical approach to his classes and other on-campus programs, and he has led and co-led biography and social art workshops both in the United States and internationally. He and Anne de Wild have developed a new project called The Hummingbird Principle, which is aimed at connecting individuals to the role that is theirs to play in facing the challenges of the modern world. He serves on the board of the Center for Biography and Social Art and lives in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, with his wife and three children.
Anne de Wild is a Naturopath whose work is based on Traditional European Natural Medicine (TEN) and kinesiology. After studying Anthroposophy at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, in 2015-16, she completed her thesis on the concept of the Five Temperaments and has been bringing her ideas out into the world since then. She began studying biography and social art in 2016. She brings biography work into her clinical practice, and she finds that it supports her clients’ personal development and encourages them to enter more confidently into their social relationships. She sees biography and social art as a step toward inner and outer peace. She lives and works in Basel, Switzerland, where she offers monthly lectures on biography and social art. A lover of travel, she can often be found in other parts of Europe and in North America speaking, teaching, and connecting. She has four almost-grown-up children.Anne is a Naturopath whose work is based on Traditional European Natural Medicine (TEN) and kinesiology. After studying Anthroposophy at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, in 2015-16, she completed her thesis on the concept of the Five Temperaments and has been bringing her ideas out into the world since then. She began studying biography and social art in 2016. She brings biography work into her clinical practice, and she finds that it supports her clients’ personal development and encourages them to enter more confidently into their social relationships. She sees biography and social art as a step toward inner and outer peace. She lives and works in Basel, Switzerland, where she offers monthly lectures on biography and social art. A lover of travel, she can often be found in other parts of Europe and in North America speaking, teaching, and connecting. She has four almost-grown-up children.
Lila Sophia Tresemer is CoFounder of The StarHouse in Boulder, with David, her life partner of 30 years. Lila is a group facilitator, certified mediator, author, ceremonialist, and minister. She co-created a ground-breaking program called Women of Vision in Israel/Palestine between 2004-2012 and now leads tours to Washington, D.C., to engage with the archetypes and values of the Sacred Feminine. She produces sacred living and remembrance programs online and onsite at the StarHouse. Lila is dedicated to building a global community, honoring the Feminine in Sacred Union in balance with the Masculine. Her current passion is weaving a living network for the Lineage of Sophia for men and women worldwide seeking to reconnect with Sacred Earth Activism and spiritual practices that matter -- to transform in these astonishing times.
Some of Lila’s work include: “Don’t Go Back to Sleep” (a spiritual adventure novel); “The Conscious Wedding Handbook” (with David); “Sophia Gnostic Creation Story.” (An animated Creation Myth available HERE); “The Goddess of America: Sacred Activism for our Nation” (online course).
Creating Sanctuary: Inner and Outer
Ines Katharina Kinchen is the program coordinator at Spikenard Farm Honeybee Sanctuary in Floyd, Virginia. She is also a tender to the bees, trees, and animals at the Emerald Ark, a Biodynamic Bee Sanctuary in its beginning stages, modeled after Spikenard, in the mountains of Eastern Tennessee, where she lives with her son. Ines isa former Waldorf Teacher and is passionate about the applications of Resonance Medicine and biodynamics in the creation of sanctuaries, Earth healing, and ecosystem restoration.
Carrie Schuchardt co-founded The House of Peace in 1990, a home which is a physical and spiritual refuge for victims of war, in community with adults with special needs. In the last 15 years over 400 refugees from approximately 30 countries have been received in the healing embrace of The House of Peace, giving supportive assistance in establishing themselves in the US.
In addition to the daily work of The House Peace, Carrie participates in many activities for the conversion of consciousness and policies from war to peace. Carrie has begun a network of women who witness publicly, Women Weeping, where women dress in mourning carrying symbolic lifeless children in order to help people feel what is rarely expressed in the media: the grief of hundreds of thousands of mothers in war zones around the world who lose their children to the terrible violence of war.
Alex Tuchman is a beekeeper, educator, farmer, and writer. As the Director of Spikenard Farm Honeybee Sanctuary, Alex is responsible for the care and development of the landscape and the bees, as well as many other programmatic and organizational tasks. He has been farming and working with bees for 10 years and came to Spikenard Farm in March of 2014 after working as the farm manager and beekeeper of the Student Farm at Loyola University Chicago.
Applied Anthroposophy: Women in the Movement
Christine Burke met anthroposophy in 1997 and immediately signed up for the Rudolf Steiner College San Francisco Waldorf Teacher Training. During a rich and art infused training, she met the anthroposophical speech arts. In 2001, Christine embarked on the 4 year, full-time Speech training in England. Before meeting anthroposophy, Christine completed an associate’s degree in Literature and a bachelor’s degree in Linguistics. After the Speech training, Christine earned a master’s degree in Communication Studies. In retrospect, a clear path of the Word – or to the Word – has been her life’s companion, along with a healthy dose of finding and creating community. Christine now teaches Communication Studies part time at her local Community College and teaches Sacred Speech Work in workshops around the globe, with private students, and at Kairos Institute.
Eileen King first met Anthroposophy in 1971 when she lived for three-quarters of a year in East Sullivan on land owned by Marjorie Spock and Polly Richards who were seeking young individuals who were interested in community building. Though this experiment did not work out as any had planned or hoped, it did expose her to the Philosophy of Freedom by Rudolf Steiner, to Camphill Village in Copake, NY, and to Reflections on Community Building and Goethean Conversation by Marjorie Spock.
In November 1973, Eileen 4-year-old daughter and I joined Camphill Village Copake: she felt deeply connected to Camphill (and still does) after living in Camphill Communities in the US, Northern Ireland, and Germany over the course of 21 years.
After returning to the US in November 1994 after nearly 10 years in German Camphill Communities, Eileen began to work with The American Coalition for Abuse Awareness, the 501(c)(4) nonprofit her sister, Sherry Quirk, Esq., founded. She has been in the nonprofit world since then, founding a new nonprofit, Child Justice, Inc. on September 25, 2012 that focuses on protecting children who have been sexually/physically abused or exposed to coercive control and intrafamilial abuse or violence in the context of civil family law or protective order cases by providing free legal representation, consultations, referrals and resources.
Eileen also found her spiritual home with the Anthroposophical Society of Greater Washington, DC Branch and has served on both the Branch Planning Group and Festivals Group for more than 20 years. She has been a member of the wonderful Christian Community of Greater Washington DC & Baltimore for nearly 30 years.
Kimberley Lewis has been a student of Steiner and anthroposophy since 1991. Her varied anthroposophical interests include music, child development (specializing in birth to three), architecture, painting, nature's forms and healing. Everyone remembers the day they first encountered Hilma af Klint's paintings and became momentarily struck down and often reduced to tears. For Kimberley, that was in 2021 when her sister introduced her to the documentary "Beyond the Visible: Hilma af Klint".
Dorothy "Dottie" Zold, Anthroposopher, champion of at-risk youth, & the Threefold Social Organism given by Rudolf Steiner, Founder of Elderberries Three-Fold Cafe in LA & Co founder of Have Seeds House.
Dottie Zold co creates curative spaces in urban communities. She met Rudolf Steiner’s work at 29 and her first book was Archangel Michael His Mission and Ours. Dottie founded Elderberries Threefold Cafe in 2008 after seeing the Youth Section housing at the bottom of the Hill in Dornach. In the following years, she cofounded many initiatives that have come forth out of the original seed. As a threefold activist, Dottie has led youth to Moral Monday Los Angeles, Standing Rock, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, cooking meals for March Against Monsanto events and works with houseless youth and adults with special needs. She is now in her second year as Branch Chair for the Rudolf Steiner Community Center and Library in Los Angeles. Dottie’s parents are guiding lights in all she cares about in the world.
Etheric Health in the Age of Technology
Cynthia Hoven has spent decades teaching Eurythmy and Studies in Anthroposophy to thousands of people around the world. In addition to decades of teaching at Rudolf Steiner College, she has worked as a eurythmy performer, trainer, therapist and workshop leader, and has been a pioneer in developing online Eurythmy curriculum.
Visit eurythmyonline.com to learn more about Cynthia's work
Andrew Linnell is co-founder of MysTech, an Anthroposophical organization devoted to realizing the interpenetration of the moral and the mechanical. He is past president of the Boston branch. Retired after 42 years in the computer industry, he has served as CTO and VP. His time is now spent with study groups, lectures, writing, gardening, and grandparenting.
Visit mystech.org to learn more about Andrew's work
Experiencing Autumn by Drawing and Painting
Laura Summer is co-founder of Free Columbia, an arts and education initiative that includes a full time program based on aesthetic education, contemplative enquiry and action research as well as part time in-person and online courses. It is completely grass roots donation supported and has no set tuitions. Her approach to color is influenced by Beppe Assenza, Rudolf Steiner, and by Goethe’s color theory. She has been working with questions of color and contemporary art for 30 years. Her work has been exhibited at the National Museum of Catholic Art and History in New York City and at the Sekem Community in Egypt. She has published nine books. She founded two temporary alternative exhibition spaces in Hudson NY, 345 Collaborative Gallery and Raising Matter-this is not a gallery and initiated ART DISPERSAL 2012-21 where over 800 pieces of art by professional artists have been dispersed to the public without set prices. She is currently working to develop Lightforms-Art and Spirit, an art center dedicated to art and spiritual practice. Visit freecolumbia.org to learn more.
Verlyn McGilvray used the springboard of a 20 year career as an elementary school teacher to segue into adult education and private consultations at the suggestion of her angel. For the past 22 years her work and blessing has been guiding individuals through classes and personal sessions to a deeper connection with their own guardian. A dedicated student of Anthroposophy for over 30 years, a mother and grandmother, Verlyn lives at Lake Tahoe in Nevada where she delights in nature and the light of Christ.
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