Letters to Members ~ 100 Years

01/20/2024 12:00 PM - 08/10/2024 12:00 PM ET


Giving Voice to Rudolf Steiner’s Letters

Anthroposophy can only thrive as a living thing. Its fundamental character is life, for it is life flowing from the Spirit. Hence it wants to be fostered by the living soul, by the warm heart of humankind.
Rudolf Steiner, Letter 2, Jan 27, 1924

Join us to honor and resound Rudolf Steiner's eighteen "Letters for Members" given 100 years ago.

After the Christmas Foundation Meeting of the General Anthroposophical Society in Dornach (1923–24), Rudolf Steiner wrote week by week articles addressed to the members. Contained in this volume are the early articles that describe the character of the Society arising from the Foundation Meeting and give advice as to its conduct and relation to the world. This volume is also known as: Letters to the Members, Volume I, 1924. The German text is published under the title: Das lebendige Wesen der Anthroposophie und seine Pflege, reprinted from the Complete Centenary Edition of the Works of Rudolf Steiner (from the section of Collected Essays and Letters to the Members).

Join us to recall each of the 18 Letters to Members on the anniversary of their original release 100 years ago in 1924. They are short, clear, and impactful. Sign up to receive a recording, emailed to you, on the 100th anniversary of each letter.  We are sharing the introduction and the First Letter with no registration required.  Register Here to stay connected and receive all 18 recorded letters by email between now and August 10, 2024. 

WHAT: 18 audio recordings of Rudolf Steiner's Letters to Members, emailed to you and posted on a private page for registrants. 
WHEN: January 20 through August 10, 2024. 
COST: This series is a FREE gift with the ability to donate and support the work.

Introduction ~ January 13, 1924 
read by Angela Foster, Katrina Hoven, and Tess Parker
Listen here without registering! 

Letter 1~ January 20, 1924

read by Angela Foster and Sandra Stoner
Listen here without registering! 


Register Here to Receive All 19 Recordings!

 Anthroposophy has its root in the perceptions — already gained — into the spiritual world. Yet these are no more than the root. The branches, leaves, blossoms, and fruits of Anthroposophy grow into all the fields of human life and action
-Rudolf Steiner, Letter 2, Jan 27, 1924

The Readers

These readings are offered by general and regional council members, event organizers, and friends. 

Mary Stewart Adams, John Bloom, Christine Burke, Lisa Dalton, Angela Foster, Michael Gratsch, Cathy Green, Katrina Hoven, Robyn Hauenstein, Rose Jackson, Timothy Kennedy, Carolyn Kraw, Michele Mariscal, Mary Mertz, Tess Parker, Kathy Pettit, Matt Richter, Margaret Runyon, Joe Schofield, Sandra Stoner, Gino Ver Eecke, Jordan Walker, and Leah Walker

Neon CRM by Neon One