Anthroposophy on Earth: Biodynamics, Bees, and Elemental Beings

02/21/2024 07:00 PM - 03/07/2024 09:00 PM ET


Join us for a three-part speaker series celebrating 
Anthroposophy on Earth...

This June marks 100 years since Rudolf Steiner first presented his illuminating work, The Agriculture Course (1924), which can be considered the inception of biodynamic agriculture in the world. In this series of lectures, Steiner presented an antidote to the increasing industrialization and chemicalization of agriculture that was gaining popularity at the turn of the 20th century. 

Just one year prior, in 1923, he had presented Nine Lectures on Bees - highlighting the wisdom and spiritual importance of the bee, the beehive, and its relation to health, civilization, and cosmic order. Towards the end of 1923, Steiner shared another series of lectures called Harmony of the Creative Word (also known as Man as Symphony of the Creative Word), which outlines in extensive detail a spiritual scientific view of the human being within the context of cosmic and earthly evolution. 

As we move through winter towards spring, we invite you to join us in working with the on-going import of this work on agriculture, bees, and the true nature of the human being, out of the sense that such study supports a deepened understanding of how, as a humanity, we can live in greater harmony with the natural world. The series will be led by six different presenters, each carrying this particular research into their life's work. Through this series participants are also given time, and are encouraged to share with one another out their own on-going practice with this content in the world. 


What: Three 75-minute sessions 

When: Wednesday February 28, Tuesday March 5 and Wednesday March 6
at 4:30pm PT/ 7:30pm ET for 75 min via Zoom

Not able to attend? 
This program will be recorded and distributed to all registrants.

Contribution Levels: 
Suggested: $50
Supporter: $80
Youth and Equity: $30


Wednesday, February 28
7:30pm ET/4:30pm PT
"Nine Lectures on Bees" with presenters Ines Katharina Kinchen and Alex Tuchman 

Lecture Dates: February 3, 1923- December 22, 1923- 8 lectures given in Dornach, Switzerland

“What we only experience when love arises in our hearts is to be found, as it were, in the whole bee-hive as substance. The whole hive is in reality permeated with love.”

Tuesday, March 5
7:30pm ET/4:30pm PT
"Harmony of the Creative Word" with presenters Matias Baker and Svava Carlsen

Lecture Dates: October 19, 1923- November 11, 1923- 12 lectures given in Dornach, Switzerland

"You cannot deal with man through logic alone, but through an understanding that can only be reached when intellect shall see the world as a work of art."

Wednesday, March 6
7:30pm ET/4:30pm PT
"The Agriculture Course" with presenters Megan Durney and Anthony Mecca  

Lecture Dates: June 7, 1924 -June 16, 1924- 8 lectures given in Kobervitz, in current day Poland

"All that is living on earth in physical shape must be able to find its way back into the Cosmos where it will be in a way purified and refined."

Enjoy a tour of Rudolf Steiner's drawings from a special tour of the Goetheanum exhibition with Agriculture Section co-leader, Ueli Hurter!

Not able to attend? 
This program will be recorded and distributed to all registrants  


"Yes, man is a Microcosm and contains within himself the secrets of the Great World outside. And it is a fact that what we perceive inwardly — our thoughts, our feelings, our will-impulses, our memory-pictures, when regarded from the other side, from without, in a macrocosmic sense, can all be recognized again in the kingdom of nature."
~Rudolf Steiner, Harmony of the Creative Word


Meet Your Presenters

Matias Baker is founder and operator of Kepher Dynamics, a consultant-based service focused on the art and science of biodynamic agriculture and Holistic design. He has worked with a wide range of biodynamic projects and has helped establish new communities throughout North, Central and South America. Matias is currently building a Research Sanctuary named Matriosa with his partner Svava Carlsen in the beautiful California Sierras.

Svava Carlsen
 is a dedicated researcher and student of Gnostic Wisdom and Christian mystery, driven by a passion to uncover the feminine voices within the gospels and other early Gnostic sources. Currently, she contributes as a research assistant to the forthcoming four-volume project, ‘The Gospel of John Restored and Translated.’ Through advanced studies in ancient languages, Svava deepens her understanding of ancient texts. With a B.A. in philosophy and serving as an ordained minister, she continues her devotion towards truth, beauty, and goodness. 

Megan Durney born and raised in the Chicago area graduated with a public school teaching degree and many life questions. After college she volunteered for two years with AmeriCorps doing community service before and after Hurricane Katrina in the southeast. She also served as a WWOOFer (Willing Workers on Organic Farms) and learned good organic farming skills, which led her to ask, “Is there an even more conscious way to grow food?” Shortly thereafter, in 2007, she found her way to the Pfeiffer Center, a biodynamic training center, located in the Threefold Educational Community. In 2018, the Pfeiffer Center partnered with the Fellowship Community, an intergenerational eldercare community, to create Threefold Community Farm where Megan serves as Farm Manager trying to uphold the mission "to practice, teach, and spread awareness of the biodynamic method," while balancing the activities and art of unfolding the land as an agricultural individuality and herself as a human being alongside her colleagues.  

Ines Katharina Kinchen is the program coordinator at Spikenard Farm Honeybee Sanctuary, in Floyd, Virginia.  She is  also a tender to the bees, trees, and animals at the Emerald Ark, a Biodynamic Bee Sanctuary in its beginning stages, modeled after Spikenard, in the mountains of Eastern Tennessee, where she lives with her son. Ines is a former Waldorf Teacher and is passionate about the applications of Resonance Medicine and biodynamics in the creation of sanctuaries, Earth healing, and ecosystem restoration.

Anthony Mecca is a farmer dedicated to healing the relationship between human beings and nature through education, community building, research, and development. As co-director of the Biodynamic Association, Anthony is responsible for programs and training as well as working with the social arts towards building a more harmonious and vibrant biodynamic community. Anthony is also a director of EduCareDo where he offers a distance learning course on Biodynamic Agriculture and Nutrition and contributes to the Foundations in Anthroposophy course. Anthony works and lives on Sun Heart Farm, an educational and therapeutic community farm in the valley between the Berkshire and Taconic mountains in New York.


Alex Tuchman is a beekeeper, educator, farmer, and writer. As the Director of Spikenard Farm Honeybee Sanctuary, Alex is responsible for the care and development of the landscape and the bees, as well as many other programmatic and organizational tasks. He has been farming and working with bees for 10 years and came to Spikenard Farm in March of 2014 after working as the farm manager and beekeeper of the Student Farm at Loyola University Chicago.




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Poster artwork by A. K. J. Wiedemann

Neon CRM by Neon One