Spring 2024 Chrysalis Groups
Join a Chrysalis Group ... and go deeper on a topic that matters to you!
April 6-May 4, 2024 via Zoom
This spring, we are pleased to offer five different Chrysalis groups in our series, with topics like transforming fear through the arts, conversing with Sophia, and the human experience as understood through the windows of the Goetheanum.
Each Chrysalis group meets weekly for four weeks, and is guided by one or more lead learners who will bring leading thoughts around a particular theme for study, conversation and artistic activities.
See below for all Chrysalis Group offerings...Register for the whole series and choose as many groups as your schedule and interest allow! You also have the option to sign up for an individual Chrysalis Group that interests you. To explore and register for the individual groups, scroll down and click on each particular course.
What: Spring Chrysalis Groups Series. Choose from five different groups, all meeting over the course of four weekly sessions.
Date and Time: Each group meets once a week for 60 min via Zoom.
See the weekly schedule of all individual groups listed below!
The meetings are recorded and made available each week, so even if you cannot attend live, you can still participate in the work. However, we strongly encourage live attendance and to sign up for only those you can commit to a majority of the sessions.
Chrysalis Group Spring Series Contribution: $200
This contribution amount grants you access to as many of the five courses as your schedule and interest allows.
Single Chrysalis Group Contribution: $60*
Individual Groups and their registration pages are linked below
* With options to contribute more or less depending on your situation
And now the caterpillar, which has become a chrysalis, has woven around itself, out of its own substance, the rays of the Sun, which it has incorporated in itself.
~Rudolf Steiner, Harmony of the Creative World
Spring Series Chrysalis Groups
Course Descriptions and Schedules
Goetheanum Windows: The Nature of the Human Being and Current Events
with John Rollinson
Tuesdays- April 9, 16, 23, 30 at 12:30 pm ET/9:30 am PT
What is the true nature of the human being - What is the meaning of reincarnation, of the adversarial forces active in the world today, what is the ultimate goal of human evolution? Using the colored windows from the Goetheanum as a starting point, we look at the bigger picture of humanity and its role, and how we can see this unfolding in the world around us.
Learn more & register
Why Should I Care About Novalis?
with Bruce Donehower of the Literary Arts Section
Tuesdays - April 9, 16, 23, 30 at 4:30pm ET/ 1:30 pm PT
In his "Last Address” in 1924, Rudolf Steiner heralded Novalis as a “radiant and splendid forerunner of the Michael stream.” This offering from the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities will address the question: how do we read Novalis (1772 - 1801) in English in North America in the 21st century . . . one hundred years after the Last Address? Was Rudolf Steiner right?
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Metamorphosis of Fear
With artists from Free Columbia
Thursdays- April 11, 18, 25 & May 2, 2024 at 1pm ET/10am PT
In 1918, at the end of the first world war, Rudolf Steiner gave the musician, composer, and scenery designer Jan Stuten (1890-1948) a task: to create a new, alternative color-art combining sound, colored light, color-movement and colored shadows in a way that would leave the viewer free to interpret what was seen. Steiner gave Stuten in 1919 the theme Metamorphoses of Fear for the first work of this new art form - a theme related to people's experiences from the just-ended world war.
Now a group of artists has come together to take this work further as a collaboration between people and their various media. We plan to work together for the next year experimenting and investigating this work, as well as planning an exhibit and a series of performances in late 2024.
In this Chrysalis group we will present some of our developments, share some music and encourage discussion on the theme. Led by the artists of the "Metamorphosis of Fear Project."
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Let the Sunshine In!
With The Hummingbird Principle
Fridays - April 12, 19, 26 and May 3 at 2pm ET/11am PT
In human development between the ages of 21 and 42, the soul establishes itself strongly in us. The Sun is the guardian planet for this phase. In this group we will look at the development of the soul in our biography and at the same time let the Sun shine on our daily challenges. The Sun moves us through a three-step process, and we will connect to this process through biographical exercises and group discussions to help enlighten projects and ideas that we are developing in our lives. While we will focus primarily on development between the ages of 21 - 42, this group is open to anyone of any age who wants to let the sunshine in!
Learn more & register
A Conversation with Sophia
with Laura Scappaticci
Saturdays - April 6, 13, 20, May 4 at 12pm ET/ 9 am PT
A Conversation With Sophia: Come together to explore our connection with divine wisdom and love through conversation, reflection, and experiential activities. Bring your open heart and your journal.
Learn more & register
Meet Your Presenters
Goetheanum Windows: The Nature of the Human Being and Current Events
John Rollinson has been a Eurythmy teacher with a focus on early childhood since 1993 as well as a therapist since 2001. He cofounded a WECAN member Nursery School in Massachusetts in 2014. One of three fully certified practitioners of Craniosacral therapy in Massachusetts, John practices full-time in Northampton, as well as at a school clinic in the area. He studied at the Upledger Institute for Craniosacral therapy, where he trained through the highest levels with the Institute’s founder, Dr. John Upledger. A graduate of High Mowing School, John earned a 5-year degree in Eurythmy in 1993 culminating 10 years intensive study of Anthroposophy in Germany, Sweden, England and Switzerland, before working as a performer in the London College of Eurythmy Ensemble. John is a Waldorf teacher and has worked with children and adults for over 30 years. Besides Eurythmy, the major focus of his work has been Craniosacral and Somato Emotional Release Therapy. Working with patients aged 1 day through 101 years, a dramatic shift in approach has been tapping into the individual destiny of the inmost human being – throwing the therapeutic wheel towards the victory of freedom over determinism. John has 6 children aged 10 – 30 and lives in western Massachusetts.Click here for John's website to connect more.
Why Should I Care About Novalis?
Bruce Donehower is the North American representative to the Goetheanum for the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities. In addition to a Doctorate in English Literature (UC Davis) he has a Masters in German literature (UC Davis) and a Masters in English with emphasis on creative writing (CSUS). He is a poet, novelist, essayist, musician, storyteller, translator, and retired professor.
Metamorphosis of Fear
Frank Aleph Agrama hails from Hollywood, Frank found a beat to move with in his backyard. Elderberries 3Fold Cafe caught him by surprise over the course of his sleepy yet inspired 20’s. Gradually through a call to friendship and collaboration, the ideals of 3Folding and Community, brought his individualistic creative path into a wider context where life can actually flow! Now permeated by Steiner’s indications, having just graduated from the Waldorf Institute of Southern California, Frank is building spaces for a more beautiful experience of cultural freedom and creative education , through Urban First Aid: Art as Medicine and Youth Section Organizing.
In his early twenties, Soren Dietzel taught himself clarinet and hitchhiked around Europe busking for dinner. He joined an old time blues band called 'The Clover St Cronies' and gigged at bars and parties. He played saxophone in 'Red Mountain' a ten piece indy-circus pop band for roughly 7 years. The band played often in Duluth MN, toured around the Midwest and opened for some prominent groups like 'Low' and 'Cloud Cult.' Soren learned stand up bass to accompany fiddle music for monthly folk dances as well as for weddings. He then went on to start a music studio out of his home called 'The Revolving Parlor.' Community music events were hosted there and he shared comedic music related social media content through that platform. The culmination of this process was a single that he wrote, recorded, and produced entitled 'Red Blood.’ Soren now lives in Philmont, NY where he is the director of the residency program at Free Columbia.
Sampsa Pirtola is a Finnish video artist and filmmaker. He studied video Art in Royal Art Academy of Sweden and at the department of Time and Space at the Academy of Fine Arts of Helsinki (UNIARTS).
In his work he combines elements of experimental abstract cinema in style of 20th century experimental film makers such as Mary Ellen Bute, Jordan Belson, Stan Brakghage, Jim Davis, Bruce Baillie combined with his own digital cinema layering technique, that he has been developing the last four years.
He is interested in the psychological and sociological dimension of video art and the "humanistic" stream that it carries, together with experimental film, in contrast to the commercially and politically occupied movie and TV industries.
For years Sampsa has been studying the ideas of Joseph Beuys and the Fluxus movement that saw the possibilities of art and artists through the "extended concept of art", where anything could be seen as art and everyone as an artist. Around the world now people are constantly filming, documenting “the artist” that is potentially in each individual, bursting out spontaneously at times, and in some cases present all the time - helping others to experience the essence of the medium; ‘to see’.
Learn more about Sampsa’s work at www.sampsapirtola.fi and on Vimeo
Matt Sawaya (aka Matre) is a rapper and singer-songwriter whose work is focused on the transformative power of the arts. With roots in L.A.’s vibrant Hip Hop underground, his genre- bending music has branched out to include collaborations with artists from Latin America, Africa and Europe, exploring the intersections and fusion of many musical styles and lineages. He has collaborated on recordings with artists including Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine), Myka 9 (Freestyle Fellowship), and Kenyan musical pioneer Ochieng’ Nelly, and has enjoyed live collaborations with artists such as Matt Cameron (Pearl Jam / Sound Garden), and Wayne Kramer (MC5). Matre recently launched Love Bravely, a cross-genre music project and creative community, bringing together collaborations with a wide network of musicians, artists and cultural creatives. His music is available on all streaming platforms and via the Love Bravely Substack page, together with writing pieces and other creative projects at www.lovebravely.substack.com
Laura Summer is co-founder of Free Columbia, an arts and education initiative that includes a full time program based on aesthetic education, contemplative enquiry and action research as well as part time in-person and online courses. It is completely grass roots donation supported and has no set tuitions. Her approach to color is influenced by Beppe Assenza, Rudolf Steiner, and by Goethe’s color theory. She has been working with questions of color and contemporary art for 30 years. Her work has been exhibited at the National Museum of Catholic Art and History in New York City and at the Sekem Community in Egypt. She has published nine books. She founded two temporary alternative exhibition spaces in Hudson NY, 345 Collaborative Gallery and Raising Matter-this is not a gallery and initiated ART DISPERSAL 2012-21 where over 800 pieces of art by professional artists have been dispersed to the public without set prices. She is currently working to develop Lightforms-Art and Spirit, an art center dedicated to art and spiritual practice.
Let the Sunshine In!
The Hummingbird Principle: Chris Burke and Anne de Wild
Chris Burke is an associate professor of psychology at Lehigh University, where his research has focused on social relationships, grief, and coping with stress. He has been actively working with anthroposophy since 2012 and is certified as a Biography and Social Art facilitator. He sees biography work as a natural bridge between anthroposophy and psychology, with biography work offering a unique window into the archetype of the human being via the unique path of each individual. He has brought a biographical approach to his classes and other on-campus programs, and he has led and co-led biography and social art workshops both in the United States and internationally. He and Anne de Wild have developed a new project called The Hummingbird Principle, which is aimed at connecting individuals to the role that is theirs to play in facing the challenges of the modern world. He serves on the board of the Center for Biography and Social Art and lives in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, with his wife and three children.
Anne de Wild is a Naturopath whose work is based on Traditional European Natural Medicine (TEN) and kinesiology. After studying Anthroposophy at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, in 2015-16, she completed her thesis on the concept of the Five Temperaments and has been bringing her ideas out into the world since then. She began studying biography and social art in 2016. She brings biography work into her clinical practice, and she finds that it supports her clients’ personal development and encourages them to enter more confidently into their social relationships. She sees biography and social art as a step toward inner and outer peace. She lives and works in Basel, Switzerland, where she offers monthly lectures on biography and social art. A lover of travel, she can often be found in other parts of Europe and in North America speaking, teaching, and connecting. She has four grown-up children.
Laura Scappaticci, mom of three, disrupts materialism through her writing, speaking, and online workshops. Laura previously served as the Director of Programs and put on over 30 webinars, conferences, and workshops focused on anthroposophy. She has also been the host of the podcasts, ‘That Good May Become,’ and ‘The Anthroposopher.’ Laura currently works at the Sacramento Waldorf School in California.
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