Whitsun 2024

05/20/2024 07:00 PM - 08:15 PM ET


100 Years of Sacred Agriculture 

“It is only because human individuals are akin in spirit that they can live out their lives side by side. The free human being lives out their life in full confidence that all other free humans belong, with them, to one spiritual world, and that their intentions will coincide.”
~ Philosophy of Freedom, Rudolf Steiner

Given the deep significance of the Whitsun Mystery in Rudolf Steiner’s life and work, it is telling that he devoted what would be his final Whitsun festival to delivering a series of lectures on agriculture. These lectures later became known as the Agriculture Course, a series of eight lectures was offered to an audience of farmers in Koberwitz (Kobierzyce in current day Poland), and marked the significant beginning of biodynamic agriculture, 100 years ago next month.

Whitsun is short for Whitsunday, also referred to as Pentecost, the 50th day from Easter, a moment that marks the descent of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, once they have realized the mystery of true community. The rushing winds and flaming tongues of the first Whitsun event result in the Apostles’ ability to speak a universal language of the heart. And while the Resurrection and Ascension Mysteries are a gift from the spiritual world to humanity, the Pentecost must be cultivated by human beings recognizing one another in harmony.

We are pleased to share that Eduardo Rincón, the new Agriculture Section co-leader at the Goetheanum beginning in August of this year, will join us via Zoom on Monday, May 20, to share his thoughts and research on the significance of the 100 year anniversary of the Agriculture Course and its relation to Whitsun. As farmer and artist with a deep sense of the festival in relation to community life, Eduardo will also talk about the sacred task of being a true steward of the earth.

Join us for this free program, with donations gratefully accepted.


"Biodynamic Agriculture as Hope for the Future" A presentation by Eduardo Rincón and musical offerings from Love Bravely and Jen Zimberg.

Monday, May 20, at 4 pm PT/7 pm ET via Zoom

This event is a free offering. Donations between $10-$40 are gratefully accepted and will go towards supporting ASA programs.


Not able to attend in person?
We will record this event and send it out within 24 hours


Keep up to date on all our offerings at anthroposophy.org/ASAProgram

Meet your presenter:
Eduardo Rincón is a teacher, researcher, and artist. He graduated as a tropical plant Biologist, in Mexico. He later obtained a Masters of Fine Arts degree based on his work with Goethean phenomenology. Eduardo has devoted his professional career to biodynamic endeavors such as serving as the President of the Biodynamic Association of Mexico, and founding La Huerta de Vinci, a Biodynamic farm dedicated to teaching sustainable practices, producing grains, medicinal plants and remedies. Eduardo currently lives and works in Mexico, and as of August of 2024, he will be the new Co-Leader of the Agricultural Section relocating to Dornach.

Love Bravely is a cross-genre music project and creative community founded by rapper/singer-songwriter, Matre, in collaboration with a wide network of musicians, artists and creatives. The group creates music, writing pieces, multi-media collaborations, and hosts community dialogues, in a continuing exploration of art’s transformative power, and its role in supporting inner development and social transformation.

With roots in L.A.’s Hip Hop underground, Matre’s genre-bending music has branched out to include collaborations with artists from Latin America, Africa and Europe, exploring the intersections and fusion of diverse musical styles and lineages. In this Whitsun performance he will be accompanied by singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, Kai Naor.

To listen to Love Bravely’s music, or for more information visit: https://lovebravely.substack.com/
Contact: mcmatre@gmail.com
Love Bravely­ inspired painting by Laura Summer @ www.laurasummer.com/


Jen Zimberg is a singer, composer, choral leader and educator. Through Developing the Self Developing the World, contributes to school and community programs and works alongside other educators to compose songs and pieces for class plays, puppet shows, and stories from the school curriculum. Jen has worked with children of all ages in many capacities over the past fifteen years and is currently teaching in the early childhood program at Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School. 

Songs of Joan of Arc is an original piece with songs interwoven with a telling of Joan of Arc’s life and task. Composed and performed by Jen Zimberg, this work is offered in concert in schools and other communities throughout North America, Australia and Europe as part of Developing the Self Developing the World’s Arts Program.

For more information on community offerings and workshops: developingtheself.org/joan-of-arc
If you would like to get in touch about Songs of Joan of Arc coming to your community, please reach out: joanofarc@developingtheself.org

Neon CRM by Neon One