The New Images of the Zodiac in the Cycle of the Year

05/17/2021 07:00 PM - 04/18/2022 08:30 PM ET




The New Images of the Zodiac in the Cycle of the Year

with Mary Stewart Adams


Online the Third Monday of Each Month (Sessions will be recorded)

May 17, 2021 through April 18, 2022

 7 pm-8:30pm Eastern / 4 pm-5:30pm Pacific


Receive access to all previous recordings and join in our remaining sessions from January 17-April 18, 2022. 




$250   Now $190 Pro-Rated Tuition if you register now.  

This course will be recorded and distributed to participants.

 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Between January 8 and 18, 2022

This year-long course will include: 

-The historical context for understanding the new images of the zodiac

-Their physiological context, their shining celestial colors

-How they can be worked with to support our engagement with the Being of the Year

-How to proceed artistically to draw each new image of the zodiac, with special attention on the unique colors used for each image

-Eurythmy with Lynn Stull for the twelve eurythmy gestures of the zodiac


When he introduced The Calendar of the Soul in 1912, Rudolf Steiner described how it contained new images that "differ from those handed down by tradition, because the latter are no longer suitable for modern consciousness. These pictures of the Zodiacal constellations are representations of actual experiences connected with the waking and sleeping of particular spiritual beings. We have in these pictures a renewal of certain knowledge that needs to be renewed at the present time..."

The images were created by Rudolf Steiner's colleague Imma von Eckardstein, based on his direction that she meditate on the after-image that rose up in her once the sun broke the horizon each morning, bearing in mind that the sun gradually moves through different regions of stars as we make our way through the year.

Each month we will focus on the image that corresponds to the region of sky where the Sun is, to enhance our experience of the different starry regions through which the Sun moves month-by-month.


Mondays at 7pm-8:30pm Eastern / 4pm-5:30pm Pacific 

May 17 - Taurus

June 21 - Gemini 

July 19 - Cancer 

August 16 - Leo 

September 20 - Virgo 

October 18 - Libra 

November 15 - Scorpio 

December 20 - Sagittarius 

January 17 - Capricorn 

February 21 - Aquarius 

March 21 - Pisces

April 18 - Aries

Mary Stewart Adams is a Star Lore Historian, and host of the weekly public radio program and podcast “The Storyteller’s Night Sky”.  Through her research in spiritual science and her education in literary arts, Mary has developed a unique, humanities-based approach to understanding our relationship with the stars.  Her work is further augmented by an extensive knowledge of ancient mythologies and fairy tales, which she relates to the research and ideas of contemporary astronomy in order to understand the new star wisdom of astrosophy.


Refund Policy: 
Because your contributions make this program run and create this community, we have the following agreements in place.
There are no refunds available.  If you are paying monthly and need to leave the program at any time, we ask that you consider making your monthly payments a tax deductible donation to keep the program running. If you are unable to do this, we require one additional month of payment after your withdrawal. 

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