Three Powerful Women: Star Wisdom

03/01/2022 07:00 PM - 03/10/2022 08:30 PM ET


Three Powerful Women: 
Michaelic Contemporaries Seen Through Star Wisdom


A Two-Part Series with Brian Gray, Robert Schiappacasse, & David Tresemer

March 1 and 8, 2022

4pm Pacific/ 7pm Eastern




We will present the extraordinary lives of three contemporary Michaelic young women who are active in our global culture: Malala Yousafzai, Amanda Gorman, and Greta Thunberg. We will characterize and contemplate – through their birth moments and deeds – how the Michael Stream is alive in the world, working powerfully through human beings in many fields today. 

Rudolf Steiner reveals to us that at the moment we are born, the constellations of the stars and planets are imprinted into our being and the imprint remains until we die. This imprint of the heavens can be mapped onto a “birth chart” in natal astrology. Through this indication and many others, he identified and renewed foundations for a new star wisdom that can help us to better understand our individual and collective destiny. 

The three presenters have studied Steiner’s cosmological indications and hints for many years. They offer courses outlining and applying an anthroposophic-based “new astrology,” and will offer an upcoming in-person (and simultaneous online streaming) training in June 2022 (find out more at  The presenters will introduce aspects of their discoveries in these two 90 minute sessions, allowing time for Q & A. 

PART I: March 1, 2022 

PART II: March 8, 2022

4pm Pacific/ 7pm Eastern

90 minutes each session

Online through Zoom

Each registrant will receive a recording of each presentation. 

Registration: $40*

*Equity and Supporter Registration Levels Available







Brian Gray has been a student of Anthroposophy since 1976, and of astrology since 1966. He has been a teacher of subjects related to Anthroposophy and star wisdom at Rudolf Steiner College for 38 years. Brian is also the author of star wisdom articles (published in the Journal for Star Wisdom) and is a presenter of several video courses on











Robert Schiappacasse has been involved for many years as a national leader in the Waldorf and independent school movement, serving in leadership roles and as an advisor for North American Waldorf schools on school administration, organization, and governance. Robert began studying astrology in 1971, and later studied with astrosophy pioneer Willi Sucher. He has been a student of Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy for more than 40 years. Robert is the author of star wisdom articles (published in the Journal for Star Wisdom), and is the co-author of the book Star Wisdom & Rudolf Steiner.










David Tresemer, Ph.D. is the founder of the StarHouse in Boulder, Colorado, and the developer of the Solar Cross system for the “star poem” qualities of each of the 360 zodiacal degrees. He has been an organic/biodynamic farmer and written The Scythe Book: Mowing Hay, Cutting Weeds, and Harvesting Small Grains with Hand Tools, which has sold a thousand copies every year for forty years. He is the author of star wisdom articles (published in the Journal for Star Wisdom and other books), and is the co-author of the book Star Wisdom & Rudolf Steiner. David is editor and contributor to The Counselor… As If Soul and Spirit Matter, and the past president of the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology.

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