100 Years of Sacred Agriculture

Type: Webinar


Whitsun 2024

It is only because human individuals are akin in spirit that they can live out their lives side by side. The free human being lives out their life in full confidence that all other free humans belong, with them, to one spiritual world, and that their intentions will coincide.”

~ Philosophy of Freedom, Rudolf Steiner

Given the deep significance of the Whitsun Mystery in Rudolf Steiner’s life and work, it is telling that he devoted what would be his final Whitsun festival to delivering a series of lectures on agriculture. These lectures later became known as the Agriculture Course, a series of eight lectures was offered to an audience of farmers in Koberwitz (Kobierzyce in current day Poland), and marked the significant beginning of biodynamic agriculture, 100 years ago next month.

Whitsun is short for Whitsunday, also referred to as Pentecost, the 50th day from Easter, a moment that marks the descent of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, once they have realized the mystery of true community. The rushing winds and flaming tongues of the first Whitsun event result in the Apostles’ ability to speak a universal language of the heart. And while the Resurrection and Ascension Mysteries are a gift from the spiritual world to humanity, the Pentecost must be cultivated by human beings recognizing one another in harmony.

We are pleased to share that Eduardo Rincón, the new Agriculture Section co-leader at the Goetheanum beginning in August, 2024, shares his thoughts and research on the significance of the 100 year anniversary of the Agriculture Course and its relation to Whitsun. As farmer and artist with a deep sense of the festival in relation to community life, Eduardo will also talk about the sacred task of being a true steward of the earth.

This packet includes a recording of the talk from Eduardo Rincón along with musical performances from Love Bravely and Jen Zimberg.

Neon CRM by Neon One