New Images of the Zodiac in the Cycle of the Year

Type: Webinar
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The New Images of the Zodiac in the Cycle of the Year
with Mary Stewart Adams and Eurythmy with Lynn Stull


This packet provides access to twelve recordings to twelve 90-minute programs. 

The sessions cover topics like:

  • The historical context for understanding the new images of the zodiac
  • Their physiological context, their shining celestial colors
  • How they can be worked with to support our engagement with the Being of the Year
  • Eurythmy with Lynn Stull for the twelve eurythmy gestures of the zodiac


When he introduced The Calendar of the Soul in 1912, Rudolf Steiner described how it contained new images that “differ from those handed down by tradition, because the latter are no longer suitable for modern consciousness. These pictures of the Zodiacal constellations are representations of actual experiences connected with the waking and sleeping of particular spiritual beings. We have in these pictures a renewal of certain knowledge that needs to be renewed at the present time...”

The images were created by Rudolf Steiner's colleague Imma von Eckardstein, based on his direction that she meditate on the after-image that rose up in her once the sun broke the horizon each morning, bearing in mind that the sun gradually moves through different regions of stars as we make our way through the year.

Each month we focus on the image that corresponds to the region of sky where the Sun is, to enhance our experience of the different starry regions through which the Sun moves month-by-month.

Mary Stewart Adams is a Star Lore Historian, and host of the weekly public radio segment “The Storyteller’s Night Sky.” As a global advocate for starry skies, Mary led the team that established the 9th International Dark Sky Park in the world, which later led to the State of Michigan protecting 35,000 acres of state land for its natural darkness. Mary has received numerous honors for her work advocating for dark skies, combining her extensive knowledge of ancient mythologies with the research and ideas of contemporary astronomy, as a contribution to the new star wisdom of astrosophy. You can follow Mary through her website, on her Facebook page “The Storyteller’s Night Sky,” on Twitter @starsnstories, and on Instagram @starmares.

After a career in business Lynn Stull turned towards the arts and implementing Rudolf Steiner’s indications for working with those who have died. In 2009 Lynn earned her eurythmy diploma from Eurythmy Spring Valley and her therapeutic eurythmy diploma from Therapeutic Eurythmy of North America in 2022. She is author of “Wonders at the Veil, Creating a Living Relationship with Your Loved Ones Who Have Died.

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