The resounding of a mighty celestial rhythm is upon us during the first quarter of the New Year.
Join Mary Adams for three engaging webinars focused on Moon Nodes and preparation for the total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017.
Saturdays at 10:00-11:00 EST, January 28, February 25, March 25. REGISTER HERE!
Leading up to Christmas 1922 Rudolf Steiner related how we could understand the starry script as our own deeds inscribed into the cosmic spaces (Nov. 19, 1922, London), and that the time is upon us to awaken to what we are speaking to the stars (December 22, 1922, Dornach).
The fire that consumed the first Goetheanum at New Year's Eve 1922-23 quickened this teaching, so that one year later, Rudolf Steiner undertook to enact the very thing, inscribing into the cosmic spaces the Foundation Stone as a meditation, to serve as the foundation upon which all Anthroposophical striving could stand. This current rhythm, from mid-January to late March 2017, is deeply rooted in the deed of Rudolf Steiner during the Christmas Conference of 1923-24, during which time, as spiritual initiate, he refounded the Anthroposophical Society and gave the Foundation Stone Meditation to the members.
There are many cosmic rhythms surrounding this sublime deed, and the one resounding at present is the return of the Moon's Node to the same position it occupied at that time, a rhythm that repeats every 18.6 years and has only recurred 4 times since 1923-24.
During this series of three webinars, we will look into current affairs, viewing them through the lens of spiritual science with the understanding that as we do so, we seek to actively engage with this sublime deed of Rudolf Steiner
The Winter's New Moon -- Sat, Jan 28 10:00-11:00 am EST: Timed to coincide with the season of St. Paul and the mystery of his conversion at the gates of Damascus relative to developing human consciousness of the Christ in contemporary culture, this date also corresponds to Winter's first New Moon which triggers observance of the Chinese New Year and coincides with traditional observance of the coldest night of the year.
Rudolf Steiner's Birth Day & the Feast of Matthias -- Sat, Feb 25 10:00-11:00 am EST: The season of Rudolf Steiner's birth is immediately preceded by the Feast of Matthias, who holds the mystery of community and World Pentecost.
The Spring Equinox & First Moon -- a Sacred Time Between -- Sat, Mar 25 from 10:00-11:00 am EST: The third and final webinar will occur at the end of March when ancient cultures observed the "Vernal Congress of the Gods", the sacred time between Spring Equinox and the first Full Moon, which varies each year, and includes the anniversary of Rudolf Steiner's death.
Mary Stewart Adams is a member of the School for Spiritual Science and longtime student of the star wisdom astrosophy. As a star lore historian, Mary led the initiative to have Emmet County's Headlands property in northwest lower Michigan designated as an International Dark Sky Park in 2011 ~ only the 9th in the world at the time ~ and has since served as the park's program director. Mary has received numerous honors for her work and travels extensively, teaching a humanities-based approach to understanding the night sky. A featured presenter at the 2015 Astronomy Study Days hosted by the Astronomical/Mathematics Section of the School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum, one of Mary's most fascinating recent experiences was working with students in Dubai, UAE, teaching stories of the stars based on names that in many cases derive from the Arabic culture. You can hear Mary's weekly "The Storyteller's Night Sky" radio segment each Monday on Interlochen Public Radio.