Eastern Region

Our Eastern Region is now working in these three areas:
Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Southeast.

Mission of the Eastern Region Holding Group

The Eastern Region Holding Group consists of individuals from the three areas (Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Southeast areas) who see it as their mission:

1. To support, further and share the meaningful work of Rudolf Steiner and the whole of  Anthroposophy in the eastern region through exchange of ideas, research and art generated within local groups and members. 

2. To provide opportunities for human beings longing for the spirit to meet each other soul to soul, through conversation platforms.

3. To promote larger exchange of information and collaboration between branches and groups and radiate out the healing effects of Anthroposophical spiritual endeavors in the Eastern Region.

4. To create a bridge between the national organization and the groups, branches and members of the Eastern Region.

Visit our group PADLET, a community bulletin board with group links and resources!

Eastern Regional Holding Group

Lucas Dreier

Eastern Region at Large

Originally from Massachusetts, Lucas has worked for several years with the Kogi people of Colombia, studying their traditional knowledge practices and supporting efforts to protect their land. A long-time student of both anthroposophy and anthropology, he attended the Hartsbrook Waldorf School in Hadley, Massachusetts, and went on to help initiate the Yale Sustainable Food Project. In addition to his interest in indigenous epistemologies, he also maintains an active interest in anthroposophical approaches to sound and music.

Cathy Green

Nashville, TN

Cathy first learned about Anthroposophy through her interest in Waldorf Education 1990 and became a member of the Nashville Rudolf Steiner Group led by Phyllis Phillips. In 1991 she became a member of the Anthroposophical Society and member of The Nashville Waldorf initiative to facilitate the interest for a Waldorf School in Nashville. In 1996 she joined the School of Spiritual Science.  2010 Phyllis moved to Oregon due to health issues and Cathy was appointed leader of the Nashville Rudolf Steiner Group. The  Middle Tennessee Anthroposophical Branch was formed in 2015. In 2017, she attended the Second Southeast Region gathering. She attended her first AGM in 2019 in Atlanta and participated in the Living in the Branches gathering. After the meeting she was invited to become a member of the Eastern Regional Holding Group as a representative of the Southeast region. Cathy has a strong enthusiasm for many aspects of Anthroposophy. Her nature is to socialize with people from all different backgrounds. And she enjoys participating in community events that offer Anthroposophical interest to those who may not know about Dr. Rudolf Steiner.

Bob Hare

Opelika, AL

Bob Hare learned about Anthroposophy from Janet and John Hampton in Greensboro, NC over 30 years ago.  He and his wife, Betty, are part of a zoom study group with friends from those beginnings  They are also members of the Anthroposophical Society, a Steiner study group in Auburn, Al since 2009, and Class Lessons. They attend the Church of the Christian Community in Atlanta and Nashville and whenever possible in their travels.  He lives in Opelika, Al with Betty and an 18-yr old cat.
(The bunny belongs to our granddaughter).  


Diane McGary

Dracut, MA

Diane McGary was introduced to Anthroposophy through medical care. She began her deeper journey when her knowing was expanded by Dr. Mark Eisen through a chance meeting in 1989. He introduced her to the Mystery Dramas, Waldorf Education and put her in touch with the Christian Community. She has been a member of the Christian Community ever since. In 2007, she became a member of the First Class. She previously served as Newsletter Editor and Events Chair for the Anthroposophical Society in Greater Boston. Currently, Diane organizes & runs online study groups and workshops. 

Diane is a Therapeutic Musician. She raises chickens on Contented Farm, which she inherited from her daughter who hatched chicks as part of a 4H/Homeschool biology project decades ago. She is an avid kayak paddler, biker and hiker often accompanied by her aussie. She has two grown children and lives with her husband in Dracut, MA. 


John Riedel

Narragansett, RI  
What did John re-connect with at the many colleges he has been around?  Berkely: love of gardening, Penn State: friendship, Princeton: science, Stanford: philosophy, Columbia: academic rigor, NYU: medicine, Brown: caring for other people, School of Spiritual Science: he is working on that.  John just sees himself as a college-oriented guy with a love of sailing. Meanwhile he is near to retiring from a 42-year career in Emergency Medicine and is becoming a word-smith, working on translating Rudolf Steiner’s words into English, while living next door to the University of Rhode Island, where he just became a Master Gardener.

Video Newsletters – Agendas:
Fall 2024
Spring 2024
Fall 2023
Spring 2023
Fall 2022  

Verse for America

May our feeling penetrate
Into the center of our heart,
And seek, in love, to unite itself
With the human beings
seeking the same goal,
With the spirit beings
who, bearing grace,
Strengthening us from
realms of light
And illuminating our love,
Are gazing down upon
Our earnest, heart-felt striving.

— Rudolf Steiner
Translation by Frederick Heckel

Neon CRM by Neon One