Building a Space for Rest - Adam Blanning MD

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Building a Space for Rest: Helping Children Release Anxiety to Find Restful Sleep

A webinar with Adam Blanning, MD.
Recorded: March 7, 2017

This packet includes recordings to this webinar.

We are living in an unpredictable world which is constantly competing for our attention, so much so that we need to consciously create spaces for rest. One of the best ways we can help children learn to work with anxiety is to help them find healthy pathways into sleep. In this webinar with Adam Blanning, MD, we will look at how the four lower senses (the touch sense, balance sense, movement sense, and “life” sense) create the foundation for this journey, and how they help children find greater peace and resiliency.

Adam Blanning, MD practices in Denver, Colorado. He works as a consultant to Waldorf schools, teaches widely about child development and therapeutic support for children, and directs the U.S. physician’s training programs in Anthroposophic medicine. He is also president of the Association for Anthroposophic Medicine and Therapies in America ( and co-leader of the Medical Section in Dornach.

Sponsored by The Association for Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA)
and the Anthroposophical Society In America.

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