The Initiation of the Heart
Deeper dimensions of the practice of compassion in our time and the revelation of the Fifth Gospel a recorded webinar with Rev. Patrick Kennedy
This packet includes recordings and resource material from this series.
In this three-part webinar we explore a signature experience of being alive in our time, the overwhelming experience of taking in the suffering of the world. We will ask, "Why is divine wisdom leading us into these experiences?” To answer this question we will delve into Rudolf Steiner’s research called The Fifth Gospel, a gospel uniquely appearing in our time. We will especially focus on the so-called “unknown
years” of Jesus, age 12 to 30, where his path leads him through experiences that open him up to become a bearer of the world healer, the one we know of as ‘Christ’.
Rev. Patrick Kennedy is co-director of the Christian Community Seminary in North America and serves its Spring Valley congregation and its affiliate in Atlanta.