Strengthening Foundations of Inner Work

Type: Webinar
Price: Free


Strengthening Foundations of Inner Work and Meditation: Webinar Series with Lisa Romero

“We can do nothing more helpful to the world’s further evolution than to evolve ourselves. This is something that, in fact, we must do. And we will have no doubt whatsoever that we must, the moment we perceive the truth about our own nature and its relationship with the wider world.” -Rudolf Steiner

Original dates: August 29, September 12, September 26 2018.

Together we will explore the inner work, the birth of the higher self, the spiritual year and how the exercises can bring us closer to our own experience of these processes.  Deepening our understanding and experience will enable us to both hold and further our daily practices as well as support our ability to consciously evolve ourselves. This webinar series describes how and why various meditations and exercises work to strengthen not only our relationship to the inner world but also to strengthen our capacities to engage more fully with the outer world.”  
Lisa Romero

Those wishing to establish a meditative practice as well as long-term meditants have found this work invaluable in deepening their relationship to the meditative path and inner development!

This packet includes:

  • Recordings for the three sessions
  • Poems, medidations from the course
  • All other course materials.

Lisa Romero is an author of inner development books, a complementary health practitioner and an adult educator who has been delivering healthcare and education enriched with anthroposophy for more than twenty years. From 2006 the primary focus of her work has been on teaching inner development and anthroposophical meditation. Through the Inner Work Path Lisa offers lectures, courses and retreats for professional and personal development in communities and schools worldwide. Steiner Books has published; ‘The Inner Work Path’ focusing on meditation practice, ‘Developing the Self’ written after years of working with Waldorf teachers to support their inner work and pedagogical understanding of child development, ‘Living Inner Development’ offering an understanding of the inner experiences and results of various inner development exercises, ‘Sex Education and The Spirit’ to help awaken an understanding of our communal responsibility for the healthy development of gender and sexuality within society and “Spirit-led Community” which introduces spiritually healthy guidelines for lessening the negative influence of technology on the inner life.  For several years Lisa was the lecturer of Health & Nutrition and Male/Female studies at Sydney Rudolf Steiner College, where she continues to lecture for the tutors on inner development. She has developed training courses, and facilitates professional development on this subject for teachers and health professionals.

Artwork by Laura Summer

Neon CRM by Neon One