Five Good Words; Whitsun Gathering with Orland Bishop and Friends
Recored Sunday, May 31, 2020
Why do we celebrate Whitsun and what is its meaning?
Rudolf Steiner calls Whitsun the festival of the free Individuality. He writes in The Festivals and Their Meaning,
“And then there comes before us the mighty picture, with a force that works like a force present in the soul itself. Then do we feel the future, as the first understanders felt it under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, if only we are willing to make alive in our souls that which knows nothing of the boundaries separating the different parts of humanity and speaks a language which all souls, all the world over, can understand. We feel the thought of peace, of love, of harmony, which lies in the Whitsun thought. And we feel this Whitsun thought enlivening our Whitsun festival.”
Five Good Words: An ASA Online Community Exploration of Whitsun with Orland Bishop.
Together we will explore the meaning of this festival during a time when many things are unknown. Orland writes in his book The Seventh Shrine, “What is awakened in the human being in a time of difficulty is the predisposition to make contact with the spiritual world, the invisible guidance within one’s destiny.”
This gathering will open with 12 people each sharing five good words which are resounding in their hearts in contemplating this festival. We will also invite you to speak your own five good words “which all souls, all the world over, can understand.”
This packet includes recordings and resources from this event~