Willing the Good: Love, Action, Healing
Conference keynotes; includes the ASA Annual General Meeting, Portland Eurythmy performance, post-conference event with Margaret Shipman
This packet includes links to the following sessions:
Keynote Conversation with Carol Cole, author of Same Light, Many Candles, a book about The Sophia Project, and Renata Heberton, Community Leader at Angelica Village, Colorado
Keynote Conversation: Three Paths to Community: Preparing the Future with Harrie Salman
Keynote: Toward the Future: The Schooling Path of a “Culture of Selflessness“ In Our Time with Peter Selg
Conference Closing: The Challenge Is Healing with Patrick Kennedy and Timothy Kennedy
Portland Eurythmy performance "Earth: This Being Human" (available until Nov 12th)
Post-Conference: The Foundation Stone & The Future with Margaret Shipman