Building The Temple of the Heart

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Building The Temple of the Heart - 2021 Full Conference

Fall Conference of the Anthroposophical Society in America, October 7-10, 2021, co-sponsored by the Central Regional Council
Keynotes from Dr. Michaela Glöckler, Brian Gray, and Michael Lipson

Presentations on the Six Basic Exercises and on the Sections of the School for Spiritual Science; Eurythmy; Singing; Musical Interludes, a Final Pageant, and a closing conversation.
(For just the three keynotes recordings click here.)

This packet includes:
ASA Annual Members Meeting 
What is the School for Spiritual Science? 
Welcome and Michael Lipson: The Stairway of Surprise
Thinking, Doing; Musical Interludes
Biography, Singing, Building the Temple through Spiritual Research
Eurythmy; Keynote: The Life of the Heart in Space, Time, and Eternity, with Michaela Glöckler, MD; Biography
Eurythmy; Feeling, Loving, Opening; Musical interludes
Singing; Keynote: Heart Connections between Chartres & Parzival, with Brian Gray; Biography
Youth Section presentation on Sixth Exercise: Harmony
Experiential Pageant: Building the Temple of the Heart 
Conversation and Conference Closing

The planning committee worked with the concept that by doing the Six Basic Exercises (6BE, which Steiner spoke about as a prerequisite for all esoteric work) we can enliven the heart chakra, which is necessary to gain access to the creative power of the modern process of Heart-thinking. Steiner spoke of a “kind of etheric heart” that develops above the top of the head, a new organ of thinking which enables us to “imbue with heart what we recognize through the science of the spirit (GA 161).” We are given six petals and we have to develop the other six, which sets the ether streams into motion. This is what the 6BE are meant to help us do. Steiner speaks about all this in How to Know Higher Worlds, Occult Science, in the Esoteric lessons, and other lectures.

People gathered in-person at locations around the country to experience the online conference content: Los Angeles, CA -- Sacramento, CA -- Decatur, GA -- Chicago, IL -- Durham, NC -- Spring Valley, NY -- Portland, OR


Keynote Presenters

Dr. Michaela Glöckler, pediatrician, has been for 28 years the Head of the Medical Section at the Goetheanum, the anthroposophic School of Spiritual Science in Dornach/Switzerland. During this time, she was lecturing worldwide the integrative medical model of Anthroposophic Medicine. Before that she worked in the pediatric department of the Community Hospital in Herdecke/Germany and served as school doctor for the Rudolf Steiner School in Witten/Germany. She is Co-founder of the Alliance for Childhood and the European Alliance of Initiatives for applied Anthroposophy/ELIANT. Publications in English: Education for the Future, Guide to Child Health, The Dignity of the young child, Ethical Considerations in Medicine, Education – Health for Life, Education as Preventive Medicine, Medicine at the Threshold, A Healing Education, Developmental Insights, Truth, Beauty and Goodness: The Future of Education, Healing Arts and Health Care.

A picture containing person, person, older, oldDescription automatically generatedBrian Gray is a teacher, lecturer, musician, architect and author on topics drawn from Anthroposophy – the work of Rudolf Steiner. He loves to share insights from the realms of star wisdom, biography, cosmology, sacred architecture, and esoteric Christianity. Brian was core faculty at Rudolf Steiner College in Fair Oaks, California from 1981-2017 and Director of the Foundation in Anthroposophy Program for 18 years.  Brian received a BA in Architecture from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Master of Landscape Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania. Inspired by René Querido, Brian received a certificate in Waldorf Teacher Education at RSC (1979 to 1981). Some of his work can be found at the websites and


Michael Lipson, PhD, is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Great Barrington, MA.  A life-long student of Anthroposophy, he has translated Rudolf Steiner’s Philosophy of Freedom as well as numerous books by Georg Kuehlewind.  He has also published two books on spiritual practice: The Stairway of Surprise and Group Meditation, both from SteinerBooks. For over 20 years, along with traveling to guide workshops internationally, he has led a long-term weekly meditation group. Michael’s work builds on his study of both Western and Eastern spiritual traditions, as well as on his time with Mother Theresa in Calcutta, India and his decade of service in Harlem Hospital’s pediatric AIDS team in New York City.  Find out more and sign up for his online meditation group and newsletter, at

Conference Artwork by Zosia Nowak
Originally from Chicago, Zosia grew up attending Waldorf school there and has spent her life in close relation to the creative arts. Now she travels the world in search of regenerative projects that are cooperating in the current environmental collapse. Contact her on Instagram:
Zosia’s art is an imagination of the theme Building the Temple of the Heart, highlighting the watershed of the Great Lakes in the Heart-land, whose etheric streams move in the opposite direction of the physical flow.

Neon CRM by Neon One